A semana foi dominada por esse assunto, bom pelo menos nesse blog. Hoje trago dois vídeos que podem ter grande valia para formar opiniões acerca do terrorismo e desdobramentos da morte de Osama. Os vídeos foram produzidas pelo Think-Tank CSIS – Center for Strategic and International Studies, que detém todos os direitos autorais sobre os vídeos abaixo. Os dois vídeos estão em língua inglesa. As descrições foram elaboradas pelos produtores dos vídeos.
Rick "Ozzie" Nelson, Director, Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Program, and Juan Zarate, Senior Advisor at CSIS, discuss the long-reaching effects of the death of Osama Bin Laden.
Al Qaeda today poses a far different threat from that on September 11, 2001. What was once a hierarchical organization composed of Osama bin Laden and his close associates has evolved to include an array of regional terrorist groups, small cells, and a growing number of individuals. Please join us for a roundtable discussion to mark the release of a new report co-authored by Rick "Ozzie" Nelson, Director of the CSIS Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Program and Thomas M. Sanderson, Deputy Director of the CSIS Transnational Threats Project. They will present key findings as part of a discussion moderated by CSIS Senior Advisor Juan C. Zarate. The report lays the foundation for a year-long initiative to produce a series of “alternative futures” regarding the state of al Qaeda and Associated Movements and to generate recommendations to defeat the threat over the long term