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Oportunidade de trabalho voluntário na ONU para formados em comunicação social

Chamada para a seleção do UNV Brazil, recebida por e-mail com instruções para dar publicidade.

UNV - Communications Assistant (JP for Gender and Ethnic-Racial Equality)

1. UNV Assignment Title:

UNV - Communications Assistant (JP for Gender and Ethnic-Racial Equality)

2. Type of Assignment:

National UN Volunteer

3. Project Title:

MDG-Fund Gender and Race

4. Duration:

6 months with possible extension

5. Location, Country:

Brasília, Brazil

6. Expected Starting Date:

15 June 2011

7. Brief Project Description:

The Inter-Agency Programme for Promotion of Gender and Ethnic/Racial Equality is the result of an initiative of the United Nations Country Team’s Thematic Group on Gender and Race. Based upon consultations with national partners, the Programme was launched with the aim of providing assistance to the Brazilian Government, through support for the Special Secretariat of Policies for Women (SPM) and the Special Secretariat for Policies to Promote Racial Equality (SEPPIR) in the preparation, implementation, and monitoring of their respective National Plans. Aside from these leading partners, the Programme involved other governmental institutions, including some at the sub-national level, and organizations of civil society, especially those that work with promotion and defense of the rights of women, and of the black population.The Programme is intended to address issues relating to gender and race simultaneously, and to promote equality both between men and women, and between white and Black women.

In total, six UN Agencies participate in the Programme, based on national priorities, a joint Country Situation Analysis, and the Millennium Development Goals, and proposed a set of actions aimed at contributing toward bringing about changes in the current unequal status of women in Brazilian society.

The overall intervention strategy focuses primarily upon providing capacity building for individuals, institutions, and society as a whole.

The initiative is sponsored by the United Nations MDG (Millennium Development Goals) Achievement Fund and the present UNV assignment aims at supporting the implementation of the programme’s communication strategy.

8. Host Agency/Host Institute:

UN Women

9. Organizational Context:

The following six UN agencies participate in the Inter-Agency Programme: UNIFEM as lead agency, UNDP, UNFPA, ILO, UNICEF, and UN-Habitat. Each participating UN agency is responsible for the execution of its respective components and, in addition, for contributing to overall programme activities and management that fall under the duty of all participating agencies. Strategic supervision and guidance of the Programme is in the hands of a National Steering Committee, comprised of representatives of the Brazilian Government, of the Government of Spain, and of the Resident Coordinator of the United Nations System in Brazil. Operational coordination is in the hands of the Programme Management Committee, comprised of the national partners SPM and SEPPIR, and the participating UN agencies.

10. Type of Assignment Place:

family duty station

11. Description of tasks:

Under the direct supervision of the Coordinator of the Joint Programme the UNV volunteer Will undertake the following tasks:

• Produce news, in different formats (videos, podcast, short stories, pictures, press release, etc) regarding the Inter-Agency Programme’s activities;

• Maintain and update the programme’s website;

• Provide regular inputs for the web site on relevant local developments and ensure that briefing materials from other offices are available;

• Work in close contact with the Communication Officers and focal points of each agency part of the programme;

• Produce the web site’s bulletin;

• Produce abstracts of books, articles, or other material relevant to the programme thematic;

• Circulate, forward or share products and files;

• Keep track of evolving issues related to gender and race to be able to suggest stories and topics for the media to cover;

• Develop and propose communications actions to promote general interest and understanding of gender and race issues;

• Ensure the Programme Management Committee is kept informed of local developments regarding the program’s communication, which are of vital interest;

• Collect press-cuttings of articles in national, regional, and international newspapers that pertain to gender and race related issues and to the overall scope of the programme;

• Compiles and maintains the mailing list for press releases, information bulletins etc., and ensures timely dispatch of information to media and other interested parties;

• Provide assistance as required, including with backstopping, media inquiries, visits, oversight, etc.

Furthermore, UNV volunteers are encouraged to:

• Strengthen their knowledge and understanding of the concept of volunteerism by reading relevant UNV and external publications and take active part in UNV activities (for instance in events that mark IVD);

• Be acquainted with and build on traditional and/or local forms of volunteerism in the host country;

• Reflect on the type and quality of voluntary action that they are undertaking, including participation in ongoing reflection activities;

• Contribute articles/write-ups on field experiences and submit them for UNV publications/websites, newsletters, press releases, etc.;

• Assist with the UNV Buddy Programme for newly-arrived UNV volunteers;

• Promote or advise local groups in the use of online volunteering, or encourage relevant local individuals and organizations to use the UNV Online Volunteering service whenever technically possible.

12. Results/Expected Output:

• Programme’s website updated with regular information;

• Bulletin prepared and disseminated;

• Number of stories published by the national and international media on gender and race issues increased;

• Contributions to UNV website about gender and race issues in Brazil;

• A final statement of achievements towards volunteerism for development during the assignment, such as reporting on the number of volunteers mobilized, activities participated in and capacities developed.

13. Qualifications/Requirements:

• Graduated in Journalism, Communication or a related field;

• At least two years of relevant job experience;

• Flexibility and adaptability;

• Excellent interpersonal skills;

• Demonstrated ability to work with others in a team environment;

• Experience with gender and race issues is a definite asset;

• Experience with Web 2.0 tools is a definite asset;

• Experience in social data manipulation and analysis is a definite asset.

• Experience in the production of press materials is a definite asset.

• Experience in the organization of events is a definite asset.

• Experience within the UN system is an asset;

• Brazilian nationality;

• At least 25 years of age;

• Computer skills: Excellent computer skills (MS office, including Excel, Word and PowerPoint and People Soft/MSRP);

• Language skills: Fluency in English and Portuguese. Knowledge of another UN language is an asset.

14. Living Conditions:

The nation’s capital, Brasilia, was founded in 1960. It is considered as one of the major examples of the modernistic movement in architecture and urban planning in the 20th century, and was added to the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites.

The average temperature is 22ºC, rising to over 30ºC during the hottest period. The hottest month in Brasilia is September and the coolest month is July. Planned for only 500,000 inhabitants, Brasilia has seen its population grow much more than expected. Several satellite towns have been created over the years to house the extra inhabitants.

Brasilia's total population (including the satellite cities) is now over 2,000,000 inhabitants. Outdoor recreational activities include basketball, golf, Hash House Harriers, horse-back riding, picnicking, riding, sailing, soccer, sunbathing, swimming, tennis and volleyball. Inexpensive lessons in many sports are available at the clubs to members and non-members alike.

15. Conditions of Service:

An initial 6 – months contract; monthly volunteer living allowance (VLA) intended to cover housing, basic needs and utilities, equivalent to R$ 1.990,00; settling-in-grant (if applicable); life, health, and permanent disability insurance; return airfares (if applicable); resettlement allowance for satisfactory service.

Detailed curriculum vitae including two referees and application letter should be sent to unv.brasil@undp.org until 29 May 2011 quoting reference "UNV Communications Assistant – Gender, Race and Ethnicity".

UN agencies part of this initiative and UNV give equal opportunity to all applicants and particularly encourage Afro-Brazilians and women to apply.


Ravi Barros disse…
Poxa, meu sonho fazer comunicação, acho esse rumo maravilhoso, quem sabe um dia eu ainda preencha uma dessas vagas!

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