Ao apagar das luzes da primeira Copa do Mundo de Futebol no continente africano, ontem dia 11 de julho, um vil e covarde ataque terrorista expôs o que há de pior na humanidade, enquanto o esporte tentava revelar o melhor.
74 pessoas foram massacradas por terroristas enquanto assistiam a final da Copa do Mundo entre Holanda e Espanha (diante dessa barbárie, o epíteto violento dado a partida final soa como piada de mau gosto). Estou a ler e me informar para escrever uma postagem mais profunda sobre o ataque, por agora deixo aqui os relatos publicados no blog “The Lede”, do jornalista do “The New York Times” Robert Mackey (originalmente no diário ugandês “Daily Monitor” em uma reportagem intitulada: “A survivor tells his tale”):
“We have three minutes left to the end of…,” before the commentator could finish his words, two blasts in quick succession engulfed Kyadondo Rugby Club, which had sat close to 3,000 people watching the World Cup finals.
After the first blast, which occurred slightly on the sidelines of the crowded area, many people ducked under their chairs, some lying down and using the chairs as shelter. Barely a minute later, I heard the second blast, right in the middle of the crowd. It was more ear-piercing and louder.
My neighbour, a young man probably in his early thirties, wearing jeans and a T-shirt, who had been sipping a Guinness beer, had tried to dash to the middle of the pitch after the first blast. The last I saw of him was his body being raised by the second blast before he fell down, still. He was dead. Read more…